GREAT koala

Monday, December 14, 2009

On 29 October 2009, which then, ubuntu Karmic 9:10 koalas have been released. In this version has a lot of 9:10 ubuntu fix bugs in ubuntu yg first 9:04. Here are the latest features and benefits found in ubuntu 9:10:

1.Speed boot, pointed out that at 9:10 ubuntu initial boot speed is only about 25 seconds, even the ubuntu team planned to release later 10:04 ubuntu, boot time is only about 10 seconds.
2.Xsplash when booting, animated images, like move when linux is booting, this is almost like the look of booting in Windows 7.

3.Gnome 2:28, 9:04 ubuntu uses the Gnome 2.26.1
4.New themes, Still with human themes, but with a touch and a new customizable design team ubuntu
5.Icon-new icon, the name of Humanity
6.Ekiga is removed, is the application Ekiga VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) or an application call through the Internet network. Because rarely is needed, so that the parties did not install ubuntu by default. But for those of you who need Ekiga, you can install it through the repository.
7.Social network applications, Ubuntu hopes, all ubuntu users can share experiences and knowledge to everyone, or the communities they minati.Sebuah unofficial slogan of "Social Right from the Start". So at 9:10 ubuntu has been integrated with Gwibber Microblogging Client. Maybe like twitter.
8.Empathy replaced Pidgin Instant Messenger, With Voice and video capabilities Chat
9.UbuntuOne been integrated, is Ubuntuone online data storage service, allowing users to each other ubuntu or data sharing useful files. Or just want to store important files, so that we can access anywhere.
10.Ubuntu Software Store, is a new feature, an application install or uninstall various applications ubuntu with a charming appearance and ease of use.
11.Computer janitor, with a new look, is Computerjanitor application, which will recommend to you that some of the applications you have installed now might not be needed anymore. And Computer janitor will provide cleanup button to delete it from your computer.
12.Installation gnome-shell-over.
13.Adding drivers to intel

Show romanization 9:10 ubuntu installation tutorial

Installation 9:10 UBUNTU TUTORIAL

System requirements for installation UBUNTU 9:10:
32-bit processor;
* 256 MB RAM;
* Hard Disk 4.0 GB blank (for installation);
* VGA video card capable of handling a minimum of 800x600 resolution;

Installation process:
1.first step, you will select the type of keyboard and language to be used. By default the keyboard and language options are at Home (USA). There are also special language Indonesian choice but, typically using a language of Indonesia.
2.second step is to select a location and time. However, this option can still be on the next turn after the installation process is complete.
3.The third step is to create a partition. By default the option will be on "Partition-Based" and this is what will be selected at the time of installation.general, all Linux Desktop / Laptop consists of three parts. First is the partition "/" or so-called root. second Partition is "Swap" which function as additional memory for the computer. And last adalahpartisi "/ home" is the type Ext3/Ext4 as root partition.
4.The fourth step select manual partition
5. Select New Partition>> select Primary>> Select SWAP area>> OK
NB: SWAP size is 2 times the area of large your RAM. Max swap is 512Mb.
Do not select a primary if you want to install more than 2 OS in 1 computer.
6 .- Select New partition more>> Select Primary>> big up partitions>> Ext4/Ext3 Select File>> System>> Select "/" as>> Mount point
7.The seventh step is to create a username and password.
8.Show romanization
The next step is preparation for the installation. Here will display information that has been in the previous content. Click Install
9.after the installation process is complete, click Restart now. And the installation is complete. Easy not ??.... good luck.

tutorial installasi ubuntu 9.10


Kebutuhan sistem untuk Installasi UBUNTU 9.10 :

  • Processor 32-bit;

  • * RAM 256 MB;

  • * Hard Disk kosong 4.0 GB (untuk instalasi);

  • * VGA video card mampu menangani resolusi minimal 800x600;

proses Installasi :

  1. Langkah pertama anda akan memilih jenis keyboard dan bahasa yang akan di gunakan. Secara default pilihan keyboard dan bahasa berada pada English(USA). Khusus bahasa juga terdapat pilihan bahasa Indonesia namun , biasanya menggunakan bahasa English.

  2. Langkah kedua adalah memilih lokasi dan waktu. Namun, pilihan ini masih bisa di ubah selanjutnya setelah proses instalasi selesai.

  3. Langkah ketiga adalah membuat partis. Secara default pilihan akan berada ”Partition Based” dan inilah yang ajan dipilih pada saat installasi ini.Secara umum, semua Linux Desktop/Laptop terdiri atas tiga bagian. Pertama adalah partisi ”/” atau biasa disebut root. Partisi keduaadalah ”Swap” yang fungsinya sebagai tambahan memory bagi komputer. Dan terakhir adalahpartisi”/home” yang dengan tipe Ext3/Ext4 seperti hallnya partisi root.

  4. langkah keempat pilih manual partition.

  5. Pilih New Partition >> pilih Primary >> Pilih SWAP area >> OK

    NB : ukuran SWAP area adalah 2 kali dari besar RAM anda. Max swap adalah 512Mb.

      Jangan pilih primary kalau anda ingin menginstall lebih dari 2 OS dalam 1 komputer.

  6. - Pilih New partition lagi >> Pilih Primary >> Terserah besar partisinya >> Pilih Ext4/Ext3 File >> System >> Pilih ”/” sebagai >> Mount point

  7. Langkah ke tujuh adalah membuat username dan password.

  8. Langkah selanjutnya adalah Perisapan untuk instalasi. Disini akan di tampilkan Informasi sebelumnya yang telah di isi. Klik Install

  9. set elah proses installasi selesai, klik restart now. Dan installasi selesai. Mudah bukan??.... selamat mencoba.

distro timeline

Monday, November 2, 2009

This is a picture linux distro timeline.

what is meant by the kernel? ...

reviews the history of linux kernel
Because access to hardware is limited, whereas there is more than one program must be served in
the same time, the kernel also served to regulate when and how long a program can be
use one part of the hardware. This is called a multiplex.

Access to the hardware directly is a complex problem, therefore the kernel is usually
implement a set of hardware abstraction. Such abstractions are a way to
hide complexity, and allows access to the hardware to be easily and uniformly.
Abstraction so that ultimately facilitate the work of programmers.

To run a computer we do not have to use the operating system kernel. A program can be directly loaded and run on the machine 'naked' computers, that is when the program wants to do his job without the help of abstraction of hardware or operating system assistance. This technique is used by earlier generations of computers, so if we want to move from one program to another program, we have to reset and load the return of those programs.

There are 4 categories of the kernel:
1.Monolithic kernel. Kernel that provides the hardware abstraction rich and powerful.
2.Microkernel. Kernel that provides only a small set of simple hardware abstraction, and
using the applications referred to as a server to provide other functions.
3.Hybrid (modification of the microkernel). Microkernel-like kernel, but it also included some code
added in the kernel so it becomes faster
4.Exokernel. Kernel does not provide hardware abstraction at all, but it provides a set of libraries
which provides functions to access the hardware directly or nearly directly.
The kernel of the four categories mentioned above, the Linux kernel including the kernel monolithic category. Linux kernel
different Linux systems. The Linux kernel is an original software created by the community
Linux, while Linux system, which is known today, contains many components that made their own or borrowed
from other development projects.

change the login window

  1. first open the folder / usr / share / gdm / themes
  2. select an existing folder, then copy.
  3. if so, paste the folder that you want to place.
  4. after that, open the folder that you'd paste. then right click and click open terminal.
  5. write in terminal sudo gedit write a xml file of type then hit enter.
  6. after that replace the jpg files with the jpg files you choose.
  7. after that save
  8. right click on the folder and select copied arcive Creat .. name the file as you please change the tar.gz file and then save.
  9. after that open the login window, and drag files into this camp for login window, then there is the option installed, click install and then finish.
  10. after all that is done, log off your computer by way of press ctrl + alt + backspace.
  11. and now your login window display has changed.

good luck.

how to change the display grub loader?

  1. open the file system / boot / gfxmenu
  2. extract the files here linuxmint.message
  3. open the file linuxmint.message_FILES
  4. select the image named background.png right click on the image and select open with gimp.
  5. Edit the image as you please. If you are finished click save. (Not save as) and then exit.
  6. After that right click on the site and click open terminal.
  7. after that write the following command sudo ls. | cpio-o> (write the file name you want to make here)
  8. after that open menu.lst
  9. then edit in the gfxmenu = / boot / gfxmenu / linuxmint.message_FILES / name of the file you created earlier.
  10. then save and reboot the computer.
Good luck. ^ ^
note: images must be sized 800 X 640
254.000 resolution