
Monday, November 2, 2009

Tux: Mascot of the Pingu
In 1996, Torvalds announced the need for a mascot to be a symbol of Linux activities. Condition is to form a penguin, but not just any penguin. As his biography written in the book Just For Fun, the requirements for the Pingu dreams are: "A penguin who appears very 'happy', like he'd been enjoying a beer after getting 'sex' the most beautiful in life."

Symbols of penguins were deemed eligible, have been used extensively for all matters related to Linux, is the result of design created by Larry Ewing. While the name that has been proposed Tux James Hughes allegedly derived from Unix Torvalds said. Or perhaps the 'tuxedo' look for the Pingu like wearing a suit smoking (dinner jacket or black tie) is formally charged in the UK.

Whatever the reason, Tux the appearance of peace and funny, it has been welcomed by all, young and old ranging from toddlers to senior citizens throughout the world. He is also part of the logo most existing Linux distributions. Replication Tux many made to meet the needs pencintanya, available in all types of accessories, especially the dolls of all sizes.


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